×File OperationsCreate VectorsDraw CircleDraw EllipseDraw RectangleDraw PolygonDraw StarCreate Line - PolylineCreate ArcDraw BezierCreate Vector TextureCreate TextAuto Layout TextText SelectionConvert Text To CurvesText On A CurveTrace BitmapDimensionsTransform ObjectsEdit ObjectsOffset and Layout

The Create Vectors Tool Group

Click on an icon to learn more about it:

Create Vectors
Draw Circle Icon Draw Ellipse Icon Draw Rectangle Icon Draw Polygon Icon Draw Star Icon Closed Shapes
Draw Polyline Icon Draw Arc Icon Draw Bezier Icon Draw Texture Icon Open Shapes
Create Text Icon Auto Layout Text Icon Text Selection Icon Text To Curves Icon Text on a Curve Icon Creating Text
Trace Bitmap Icon Dimensions Icon Trace Bitmap     Dimensions

Drawing Shapes

Each tool gives you the option of dynamically drawing with the mouse in the 2D View, or entering precise data using the form. When you click on a shape tool icon its associated form will open on the Drawing tab. Here you can see the precise dimensions of the shape you are working on, which you can edit directly, as well as other options specific to the type of shape you are editing.

If you click on a shape drawing tool when nothing is selected in the 2D View, you will be able to create new shapes using the Create button. If you select a previously created shape, you will be able to modify its properties using the same form and update the shape using the Apply button.

Note: Pressing the Space-bar re-opens the last vector creation form you used. This is very useful when using other forms in between each shape you create.

Creating Text

There are a number of tools dedicated to the creation and editing of text. These can be found on the Drawing tab, below the shape creation tools.

Cut2D Desktop can make use of any TrueType font already installed on your computer, as well as Vectric's own single-line fonts designed specifically for CNC machining.

Use the Draw Text, or Draw Auto Text, to create text within your design. The Text selection tool then allows you to dynamically alter the text positioning, spacing or even to bend your text into an arc. For even more flexibility, use the Text on Curve tool to place your text along any vector curve or line that you have drawn. The Convert Text to Curves tool allows you to then use Node Editing to fine tune the vectors of the text to any shape required.

The text tools are accessed using the following icons:

Trace Bitmap

Trace Bitmap tool allows you to automatically trace imported bitmaps using a variety of options within the tool to control the vectors that are created.


The dimensions tool allows you to add a variety of dimensioning annotations to your vector drawing.